EatSmart Precision MaxView Digital Bathroom Scale Review

I was given the opportunity to review the EatSmart Precision MaxView Digital Bathroom Scale. I was really looking forward to trying it out.
I love the way it looks. The EatSmart Precision MaxView Digital Bathroom Scale looks so sharp. I really like the large number display. I wear glasses but I can see these numbers even without my glasses on which I think is cool.
With the EatSmart Precision MaxView Digital Bathroom Scale you don't have to wait to weigh yourself. You just step on it and it gives you a reading. I really liked that. I am not a patience person, standing around waiting for a scale is just a waste of time.
The EatSmart Precision MaxView Digital Bathroom Scale can measure weight up to 400 pounds. This scale is perfect for just checking once a week to see how you are maintaining.
The EatSmart Precision MaxView Digital Bathroom Scale is also perfect to use to lose weight. It is highly accurate as long as it is calibrated. I made the mistake of using it without calibrating it first. I just wanted to try it out really quick. Well I was shocked when it was 5 pounds heavier than I had ever been. It also flashed Cal after. When I read the manual, I know I should of read it first, it let me know what to do. It was really quite simple. You just press on the scale until it turns on. Do not get on it and it calibrates itself.
Once I had it calibrated it weighed perfectly. I really like this scale. I also love the fact that with the The EatSmart Precision MaxView Digital Bathroom Scale you receive a tape measure to keep up on your measurements too. When you are losing weight it is very important to keep up on all the measurements.
I would recommend The EatSmart Precision MaxView Digital Bathroom Scale. I know you would love to check it out yourself, just click here.
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