Ultimate Holiday Giveaway Host Page

Good Luck Everyone!!!



  1. I am not sure if we do anything eco friendly except for try to buy recycled paper, and we recycle everything we can!

  2. Now that our child is a teen, we are able to carefully open gifts (most of the time, anyway) and we try to save and reuse for another year! All ribbons, yarn, and bows are reused year and year.

  3. I reuse my gift bags I get every year!

  4. We re-use gift bags instead of using wrapping paper. Really big presents get wrapped in blankets.

  5. We buy recycled wrapping paper and bows and such. We use gift bags mostly so that they can be saved and re-used for gift-giving throughout the year. If we receive gifts in gift bags, we put those bags in our stockpile for giving throughout the year also. We also recycle any used wrapping paper and things that we can. And we use an artificial tree every year so that we don't impact our living environment. And thank you for a wonderful giveaway! ;)

  6. We recycle as much as we can. Most of the gifts are unwrapped and in the stockings. We also limit the amount of gifts we give and receive to reduce waste.

  7. we recycle all of the things we are able to.

  8. we do not wrap presents anymore, we just put them in a sack under the tree

  9. We try to buy a living tree every year that we can plant outside.

  10. Yes, we use a fake tree every year because I think it's wrong to cut down our trees for our amusement!!

  11. Well, One of the things that we do for the Holiday Season is donate non-perishable food to the Boy Scouts! We do wrap our gifts, however, the paper is recycled along with our usual recycling. The containers and boxes which the kid's toys come in are also recycled! Some boxes are saved for things for the coming year.(Birthdays, Anniversaries, Etc.) At Christmas, we never get a cut tree, we always put a fake tree up. I know that a real tree is wonderful and smells good, however, we are saving a tree by not cutting one down. I make sure that when preparing our Holiday meals, that anything and everything that can be recycled gets recycled. We all have to do our best to keep the environment safer and cleaner! Thanks so much, Michele :)

  12. We recycle all the paper and boxes used during the Holidays and make out own food instead of frozen meals.

  13. We recycle all the wrapping paper and boxes that are under the tree and if they are reusable and easy to store we save them for next year!

  14. I always recycle gift bags. I sometimes wrap gifts in newspapers. We use discarded food for compost. And we don't use paper plates or any disposable silverware.

  15. This isn't something we do every year, but some years we will decorate a Christmas tree for the birds with pinecones rolled in peanut butter and bird seeds, strings of berries or popcorn, and lots of colorful yarn for nest building materials.

  16. I won't use a live tree and I recycle everything I can for wrapping gifts and such. This is not a lot, but every little bit helps. Not sure if this counts, but I put out food and water for the stray animals(mostly cats), so they don't starve during the winter. I do this all year. :)

  17. We reuse gift boxes and wrap presents with paper bags.

  18. We don't use a live tree and we reuse gift bags from the previous year

  19. I wrap smaller gifts in the same box and reuse gift bags and boxes. I also have a artifical tree so Less trees need to be cut down. .

  20. We looked for recycled items like wrapping paper or bows

  21. I recycle plastic store bags several times before I toss them. I also reuse those gift bags from year to year and save plenty and have finally got the family to join me. I try to redsign and redo everything I can to save money and the enviornment as well. Besides It is fun recreating something out of nothing!

  22. My family doesn't do anything special to help the environment during the holidays because we recycle all year long.

  23. Starting four years ago, I bought red fabric and pinked the edges. I also bought green yarn. I wrap all of our presents in the fabric and yarn and reuse it every year! No more Christmas trash and it looks so pretty.

  24. We reuse gift boxes and bags. I am trying to find a solution to the gift wrapping. We throw out a ton of used wrapping paper every Christmas.

  25. We sometimes put up an artificial tree on parent's grave and put bird friendly things on it like pinecones with peanut butter on them and suet ornaments etc.

  26. We have been switching to LED Christmas lights. We also recycle some of our wrapping paper, boxes and bows.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  27. We honestly have not considered being green during the holidays.

  28. We reuse newspapers instead of buying wrapping paper and then recycle them.

  29. We don't really do anything that I can think of. I know that we play a lot of board games and d pend time talking and visiting with family and friends. We watch less TV and that means less electricity is used....lol I am kinda grasping at straws. I wish I had a better answer.

  30. We have a fake tree instead of a real one. We also use LED lights.

  31. We re-use as much wrapping materials as possible, and we never fly anywhere over the holidays.

  32. We use a fake tree not only for the environment but we are allergic to the real deal. Also, I try to use bags and reuse them as much as I can. Plus I recycle the boxes that are left from any gifts.

  33. We reuse our gift bags and bows. We use LED christmas lights to save energy and we use end rolls from the newspaper, decorate them with paint and use it as wrapping paper. All of which goes to recycling in the end.

  34. We use LED lights, a fake Xmas tree and wrap all of our gifts in brown grocery bags. This gives my boys an open canvas to create amazing artwork on people's gifts.

  35. For the holidays we try to use more enviromentally friendly lights like led lights and we always use a tree that we can plant after christmas that way you are not wasting a tree

  36. We no longer use wrapping paper. Gift bags are saved and reused. Economical, and environmentally friendly.

  37. We regift bags, boxes and bows, and recycle all wrapping paper.

  38. Yes, by reusing things we already have to wrap gifts, like twine and newspapers for wrapping paper.

  39. We recycle our wrapping paper and compost leftover food scraps.

  40. As much fun as it is to actually unwrap presents, we use a lot of gift bags that way we can reuse them year after year.

  41. I reuse gift bags every year. I also save wrapping paper and tissue paper. I reuse them for crafts and other gifts. I reuse or recycle as much of the packaging as I can from the gifts. We have an artificial tree that we have had for about 20 years.

  42. I reuse gift bags and use newspaper to wrap gifts during the holidays!

  43. we recycle and reuse bags and some tags if possible

  44. The only thing I can say we do is save the gift bags to use again.

  45. We use LED Christmas lights.
    Thanks for the chance.

  46. We will reuse gift bags and recycle the paper from the rapping paper(:

  47. We recycle the wrapping paper and reuse gift boxes and bags.

  48. We recycle all year long not just at holidays. And we recycle everything we can not just plastic

  49. I reuse my gift bags and tissue paper.

  50. We recycle all paper wrappings, boxes, etc.and all other recyclables.

  51. We try to use energy efficient lights/decorations s well as reusing the bows, ribbons, etc :)


  52. We seem to drink lots more soda, so we save all the cans, and we burn firewood for heat

  53. I save all of the tissue paper and any gift bags to reuse whenever I can.


    amanda.townsend2 at gmail dot com

  54. All year long we try to recycle any and every thing we can. If we get a live tree, after the holidays, the tree goes into the lake to help with the fish population.

  55. I have fabric bags I reuse every year for gifts

  56. We recycle all thr wrapping paper. I also reuse gift bags when possible.

  57. We reuse gift boxes and gift bags.

  58. I reuse gift bags and gift boxes from previous years.

  59. We use recycled products for holiday crafts projects and make our own handcrafted and home-baked gifts!

  60. I have used the same artificial Christmas tree for years and years. I also reuse gift bags and boxes.
    Susan Chester

  61. I have been using artificial christmas tree for past 4 years

  62. Most times I use brown paper bags for wrapping paper and I save the comics from the Sunday newspaper to wrap the children's presents. All recyclable. We reuse gift bags and boxes too.

  63. We use an artificial tree over and over and therefore we do not have a live tree sacrificed for our enjoyment, plus we have been known to wrap presents in towels, pillowcases and other items that are also part of the presents to the person.

  64. We use LED Christmas lights, reuse gift bags, have an artificial tree and recycle as much as we can.

    Jennifer Rote

  65. We've used the same artificial tree every year for about 10 years

  66. hi, i no longer use bows and we recycle all the paper, cans & bottles.

  67. I use an artificial Christmas instead of cutting a beautiful tree and throwing it away. I always reuse Christmas bags, My daughter and I exchange bags where we want give the same bag to the same person twice.

  68. FOR PlumCrazy Giveaway: I rec'd a floating pearl necklace for Christmas in 1987 from my little brother who had bought it before he was killed on Thanksgiving morning and had wrapped it and put it away only for me to find later.... Best gift ever!

  69. We have an artificial Christmas tree for many years. It doesn't seem like enough but I do the following: reuse gift boxes, buy recycled wrapping paper, use gift bags (also reuse these), and for family don't use gift tags (wrapping paper works!).

  70. No not really. There is just me and my boyfriend. In past years with my kids getting older I don't buy as much.

  71. We recycle all the wrapping paper!!!! Previous years would just get thrown away

  72. We reuse our decorations year to year...

  73. I just save the bags for birthdays and such throughout the year and use them for the holidays

    Carla C

  74. We try to recycle any of the items we use like the wrapping paper.


  75. We recycle wrapping paper & bags.

  76. We reuse bows, ribbons, boxes, bags...anything we can!

  77. Not really, unfortunately. I mean, we will reuse bags from years past

  78. We recycle some gift wrap stuff, ribbons, & sometimes some gifts.

  79. We reuse gift bags every holiday. I think some of our gift bags are over ten years old.

  80. I wrap all presents with newspaper and then recycle it after it's been torn to shreds.

  81. We recycle and practice "leave no trace."

  82. We do recycle. We also use an artificial tree year after year.

  83. We try to recycle more during the Christmas season since there are so many boxes, papers..etc..

    Samantha (samdaleo)

  84. Well, does being too poor to buy presents and thus we don't have all that garbage count?

  85. we recycle the wrapping paper and we help neighbors with their lawn during the snow season.. does that count?

  86. We do re use gift bags and bows but we recycle everything year round and we try to use eco friendly products

  87. We recycle as much as possible & we never cut down a tree (or purchase one that has been)

  88. We have switched to led lights and stopped using bows and ribbon. Although, truthfully, the ribbon thing is because of the cats....

  89. The best gift I received was my very first computer.
    Brittney House

  90. We reuse wrapping paper and gift bags. It saves money.

  91. We reuse gift bags and boxes,and use an artificial tree

  92. we dont buy ribbons & bows because we save them from year to year also the gift boxes. We try to buy presents that dont come in a lot of packaging like plastics if we do we recycle it.

  93. We reuse gift bags and paper when possible.

  94. We also re-use gift bags, and have an artificial tree. I would also like to invest in some solar Christmas lights, since we have plenty of sunshine most of the time in CA.

  95. We reuse gift bags and ribbons. This year the kids aren't even getting gift bags- the animals are too big!

  96. We use the same tree every year and reuse the gift bags.

  97. We try and re-use gift wrap as often as possible. And we always recycle throughout the year. My husband and I are torn on the Christmas Tree debacle though. Some think its better for the environment to buy a fake tree, but others think its better to cut down a real tree because fake tree's are made with PVC material and will sit in a landfill for thousands of years.

  98. We have recycled all our wrapping paper and have started using gift bags and I use the same ones every year. And we give old toys to the local shelter or Salvation Army.

  99. We make reusable gift bags for one thing.

  100. Rather than wrapping gifts, my mother gives our gifts in a reusable grocery bag. They make some really cute ones these days. I think this is a great idea!

  101. We recycle a lot, like gift bags so they can be used again the next year. I keep bows to use again and sometimes even save wrapping paper to reuse.

  102. We recycle. We use our daughter's drawings on recycled paper as wrapping paper- it is a keepsake for family members as well.

  103. buy recycled paper, and we recycle everything we can!

  104. We have a dinner with the whole family with recipes handed down for generations

  105. I put my tree outside for pickup after Christmas, so it can be chipped into compost. Thanks for having this contest.

  106. We use recycled paper, recycle boxes and gift wrap, and buy or make handmade gifts.
